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Drier Law Office

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Real Estate, Land Use and Zoning

Real Estate Law

- Over 50 Years of Combined Experience

- General Practice Experience

- Experienced Paralegal Staff

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Educators, Authors, Advisors, and Advocates

Real Estate Law is a major component of our practice. Attorney Marc Drier, whose treatises and training materials on various aspects of real estate law have been published multiple times, is a former title insurance agent. Karen Crust, the firm's real estate paralegal, has over 25 years of experience in preparing and coordinating commercial and residential real estate closings. Mr. Drier was selected several times by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute to participate as faculty and train attorneys in the areas of zoning practice, eminent domain, rights of way and boundary disputes, and road law.

We try to keep our fees for real estate closings below the customary rates.

Reach out to us for details.

Comprehensive Knowledge

Unlike some real estate law firms, Drier Law Office is involved in all aspects of land use, and is ready to go to court for any aspect when needed. The firm represents several zoning hearing boards and serving as municipal solicitor has helped various municipalities draft zoning laws. The firm has handled appeals to Zoning Hearing Boards, Boards of Review, and Boards of Assessment; Boundary Disputes; and Right-of-way Disputes.

We have provided representation in land use issues before:

  • County courts
  • The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court
  • The Pennsylvania Superior Court
  • The Pennsylvania Supreme Court
  • Boards of View
  • Local and county planning commissions
  • Local and county zoning hearing boards
  • The Commonwealth's Board of Property
  • Local property maintenance appeals board
  • The Liquor Control Board
  • Bankruptcy Court
  • The Commonwealth Environmental Hearing Board.

The firm receives cases referred by other firms involving the complex area of rights-of-way and boundary disputes. The firm has recently argued a significant real estate law case before a special "en banc" sitting of the Statewide Commonwealth Court. The firm has also been very actively involved in oil and gas law developments in Pennsylvania.

Client Friendly/Cost Efficient

Drier Law Office tries to keep their fees for real estate closings below the customary rates. The firm takes pride on being accessible at all times, promptly responsive to any client question, and willing to handle all the details of any given real estate transaction. Personal, easy-to-understand attention is given. Appointments for advice or closings during evening or weekend hours are available as needed.

Experienced Real Estate Attorneys

Call us today to learn more.

Real Estate and Zoning Laws are our business!

(570) 206-2371

(570) 206-2371

Working with Mr. Drier has been wonderful. He is not only concerned with the task, he also makes you feel comfortable and reassured. He cares about you as a person not just a client.

- Sonya Kellogg

Learn More About

Drier Law Office

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